Edition for Web Developers — Last Updated 25 March 2025
exotic objectLocation
objectSupport in all current engines.
These attributes all return window.
Returns the Document
associated with window.
Returns the Window
associated with document, if there is one, or null otherwise.
window = window.open([ url [, target [, features ] ] ])
Opens a window to show url (defaults to "about:blank
"), and returns
it. target (defaults to "_blank
") gives the name of the new
window. If a window already exists with that name, it is reused. The features
argument can contain a set of comma-separated tokens:
"These behave equivalently to the noopener
and noreferrer
link types on hyperlinks.
"Encourages user agents to provide a minimal web browser user interface for the new
window. (Impacts the visible
getter on all
objects as well.)
globalThis. open( "https://email.example/message/CAOOOkFcWW97r8yg=SsWg7GgCmp4suVX9o85y8BvNRqMjuc5PXg" , undefined , "noopener,popup" );
window.name [ = value ]
Returns the name of the window.
Can be set, to change the name.
Closes the window.
Returns true if the window has been closed, false otherwise.
Cancels the document load.
Returns the number of document-tree child navigables.
Returns the WindowProxy
corresponding to the indicated document-tree child navigables.
Returns the indicated element or collection of elements.
As a general rule, relying on this will lead to brittle code. Which IDs end up mapping to
this API can vary over time, as new features are added to the web platform, for example. Instead
of this, use document.getElementById()
or document.querySelector()
Returns the WindowProxy
for the top-level traversable.
window.opener [ = value ]
Returns the WindowProxy
for the opener browsing context.
Returns null if there isn't one or if it has been set to null.
Can be set to null.
Returns the WindowProxy
for the parent
Returns the navigable container element.
Returns null if there isn't one, and in cross-origin situations.
For historical reasons, the Window
interface had some properties that represented
the visibility of certain web browser interface elements.
For privacy and interoperability reasons, those properties now return all return the same value: whether or not the window represents a popup window.
Support in all current engines.
Returns true if the Window
is not a popup; otherwise, returns false.
exotic objectA WindowProxy
is an exotic object that wraps a
ordinary object, indirecting most operations through to the wrapped object.
Each browsing context has an associated WindowProxy
object. When the
browsing context is navigated, the Window
object wrapped by the browsing context's associated WindowProxy
is changed.
interfaceSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Each Window
object is associated with a unique instance of a Location
object, allocated when the Window
object is created.
document.location [ = value ]
window.location [ = value ]
Returns a Location
object with the current page's location.
Can be set, to navigate to another page.
objects provide a representation of the URL of their associated Document
, as well as
methods for navigating and reloading
the associated navigable.
Returns the Location
object's URL.
Can be set, to navigate to the given URL.
Returns the Location
object's URL's origin.
Returns the Location
object's URL's scheme.
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed scheme.
Returns the Location
object's URL's host and port (if different from the default
port for the scheme).
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed host and port.
Returns the Location
object's URL's host.
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed host.
Returns the Location
object's URL's port.
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed port.
Returns the Location
object's URL's path.
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed path.
Returns the Location
object's URL's query (includes leading "?
" if non-empty).
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed query (ignores leading "?
Returns the Location
object's URL's fragment (includes leading "#
" if non-empty).
Can be set, to navigate to the same URL with a changed fragment (ignores leading "#
Navigates to the given URL.
Removes the current page from the session history and navigates to the given URL.
Reloads the current page.
Returns a DOMStringList
object listing the origins of the ancestor navigables' active documents.
interfaceSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Returns the number of overall session history entries for the current traversable navigable.
Returns the scroll restoration mode of the active session history entry.
history.scrollRestoration = value
Set the scroll restoration mode of the active session history entry to value.
Returns the classic history API state of the active session history entry, deserialized into a JavaScript value.
Reloads the current page.
Goes back or forward the specified number of steps in the overall session history entries list for the current traversable navigable.
A zero delta will reload the current page.
If the delta is out of range, does nothing.
Goes back one step in the overall session history entries list for the current traversable navigable.
If there is no previous page, does nothing.
Goes forward one step in the overall session history entries list for the current traversable navigable.
If there is no next page, does nothing.
history.pushState(data, "")
Adds a new entry into session history with its classic history API state set to a serialization of data. The active history entry's URL will be copied over and used for the new entry's URL.
(The second parameter exists for historical reasons, and cannot be omitted; passing the empty string is traditional.)
history.pushState(data, "", url)
Adds a new entry into session history with its classic history API state set to a serialization of data, and with its URL set to url.
If the current Document
cannot have
its URL rewritten to url, a "SecurityError
will be thrown.
(The second parameter exists for historical reasons, and cannot be omitted; passing the empty string is traditional.)
history.replaceState(data, "")
Updates the classic history API state of the active session history entry to a structured clone of data.
(The second parameter exists for historical reasons, and cannot be omitted; passing the empty string is traditional.)
history.replaceState(data, "", url)
Updates the classic history API state of the active session history entry to a structured clone of data, and its URL to url.
If the current Document
cannot have
its URL rewritten to url, a "SecurityError
will be thrown.
(The second parameter exists for historical reasons, and cannot be omitted; passing the empty string is traditional.)
document's URL | targetURL | can have its URL rewritten |
| https://example.com/home#about
| ✅ |
| https://example.com/home?page=shop
| ✅ |
| https://example.com/shop
| ✅ |
| https://user:pass@example.com/home
| ❌ |
| http://example.com/home
| ❌ |
| file:///path/to/x#hash
| ✅ |
| file:///path/to/x?search
| ✅ |
| file:///path/to/y
| ❌ |
| about:blank#hash
| ✅ |
| about:blank?search
| ❌ |
| about:srcdoc
| ❌ |
| data:text/html,foo#hash
| ✅ |
| data:text/html,foo?search
| ❌ |
| data:text/html,bar
| ❌ |
| data:bar
| ❌ |
| blob:https://example.com/77becafe-657b-4fdc-8bd3-e83aaa5e8f43#hash
| ✅ |
| blob:https://example.com/77becafe-657b-4fdc-8bd3-e83aaa5e8f43?search
| ❌ |
| blob:https://example.com/anything
| ❌ |
| blob:path
| ❌ |
Note how only the URL of the Document
matters, and not its origin. They can mismatch in
cases like about:blank
s with inherited origins, in sandboxed
s, or when the document.domain
setter has been used.
Consider a game where the user can navigate along a line, such that the user is always at some coordinate, and such that the user can bookmark the page corresponding to a particular coordinate, to return to it later.
A static page implementing the x=5 position in such a game could look like the following:
<!-- this is https://example.com/line?x=5 -->
< html lang = "en" >
< title > Line Game - 5</ title >
< p > You are at coordinate 5 on the line.</ p >
< p >
< a href = "?x=6" > Advance to 6</ a > or
< a href = "?x=4" > retreat to 4</ a > ?
</ p >
The problem with such a system is that each time the user clicks, the whole page has to be reloaded. Here instead is another way of doing it, using script:
<!-- this starts off as https://example.com/line?x=5 -->
< html lang = "en" >
< title > Line Game - 5</ title >
< p > You are at coordinate < span id = "coord" > 5</ span > on the line.</ p >
< p >
< a href = "?x=6" onclick = "go(1); return false;" > Advance to 6</ a > or
< a href = "?x=4" onclick = "go(-1); return false;" > retreat to 4</ a > ?
</ p >
< script >
var currentPage = 5 ; // prefilled by server
function go( d) {
setupPage( currentPage + d);
history. pushState( currentPage, "" , '?x=' + currentPage);
onpopstate = function ( event) {
setupPage( event. state);
function setupPage( page) {
currentPage = page;
document. title = 'Line Game - ' + currentPage;
document. getElementById( 'coord' ). textContent = currentPage;
document. links[ 0 ]. href = '?x=' + ( currentPage+ 1 );
document. links[ 0 ]. textContent = 'Advance to ' + ( currentPage+ 1 );
document. links[ 1 ]. href = '?x=' + ( currentPage- 1 );
document. links[ 1 ]. textContent = 'retreat to ' + ( currentPage- 1 );
</ script >
In systems without script, this still works like the previous example. However, users that do have script support can now navigate much faster, since there is no network access for the same experience. Furthermore, contrary to the experience the user would have with just a naïve script-based approach, bookmarking and navigating the session history still work.
In the example above, the data argument to the pushState()
method is the same information as would be sent
to the server, but in a more convenient form, so that the script doesn't have to parse the URL
each time the user navigates.
Most applications want to use the same scroll restoration mode value for all of
their history entries. To achieve this they can set the scrollRestoration
attribute as soon as possible
(e.g., in the first script
element in the document's head
element) to
ensure that any entry added to the history session gets the desired scroll restoration mode.
< head >
< script >
if ( 'scrollRestoration' in history)
history. scrollRestoration = 'manual' ;
</ script >
</ head >
The navigation API, provided by the global navigation
property, provides a modern and web application-focused way of managing navigations and history entries. It is a successor to the classic location
and history
One ability the API provides is inspecting session history entries. For example, the following will display the entries' URLs in an ordered list:
const ol = document. createElement( "ol" );
ol. start = 0 ; // so that the list items' ordinal values match up with the entry indices
for ( const entry of navigation. entries()) {
const li = document. createElement( "li" );
if ( entry. index < navigation. currentEntry. index) {
li. className = "backward" ;
} else if ( entry. index > navigation. currentEntry. index) {
li. className = "forward" ;
} else {
li. className = "current" ;
li. textContent = entry. url;
ol. append( li);
The navigation.entries()
array contains NavigationHistoryEntry
instances, which have other useful properties in addition to the url
and index
properties shown here. Note that the array only contains NavigationHistoryEntry
objects that represent the current navigable, and thus its contents are not impacted by navigations inside navigable containers such as iframe
s, or by navigations of the parent navigable in cases where the navigation API is itself being used inside an iframe
. Additionally, it only contains NavigationHistoryEntry
objects representing same-origin session history entries, meaning that if the user has visited other origins before or after the current one, there will not be corresponding NavigationHistoryEntry
The navigation API can also be used to navigate, reload, or traverse through the history:
< button onclick = "navigation.reload()" > Reload</ button >
< input type = "url" id = "navigationURL" >
< button onclick = "navigation.navigate(navigationURL.value)" > Navigate</ button >
< button id = "backButton" onclick = "navigation.back()" > Back</ button >
< button id = "forwardButton" onclick = "navigation.forward()" > Forward</ button >
< select id = "traversalDestinations" ></ select >
< button id = "goButton" onclick = "navigation.traverseTo(traversalDestinations.value)" > Traverse To</ button >
< script >
backButton. disabled = ! navigation. canGoBack;
forwardButton. disabled = ! navigation. canGoForward;
for ( const entry of navigation. entries()) {
traversalDestinations. append( new Option( entry. url, entry. key));
</ script >
Note that traversals are again limited to same-origin destinations, meaning that, for example, navigation.canGoBack
will be false if the previous session history entry is for a page from another origin.
The most powerful part of the navigation API is the navigate
event, which fires whenever almost any navigation or traversal occurs in the current navigable:
navigation. onnavigate = event => {
console. log( event. navigationType); // "push", "replace", "reload", or "traverse"
console. log( event. destination. url);
console. log( event. userInitiated);
// ... and other useful properties
(The event will not fire for location bar-initiated navigations, or navigations initiated from other windows, when the destination of the navigation is a new document.)
Much of the time, the event's cancelable
property will be true, meaning this event can be canceled using preventDefault()
navigation. onnavigate = event => {
if ( event. cancelable && isDisallowedURL( event. destination. url)) {
alert( `Please don't go to ${ event. destination. url} !` );
event. preventDefault();
The cancelable
property will be false for some "traverse
" navigations, such as those taking place inside child navigables, those crossing to new origins, or when the user attempts to traverse again shortly after a previous call to preventDefault()
prevented them from doing so.
The NavigateEvent
's intercept()
method allows intercepting a navigation and converting it into a same-document navigation:
navigation. addEventListener( "navigate" , e => {
// Some navigations, e.g. cross-origin navigations, we cannot intercept.
// Let the browser handle those normally.
if ( ! e. canIntercept) {
return ;
// Similarly, don't intercept fragment navigations or downloads.
if ( e. hashChange || e. downloadRequest !== null ) {
return ;
const url = new URL( event. destination. url);
if ( url. pathname. startsWith( "/articles/" )) {
e. intercept({
async handler() {
// The URL has already changed, so show a placeholder while
// fetching the new content, such as a spinner or loading page.
// Fetch the new content and display when ready.
const articleContent = await getArticleContent( url. pathname, { signal: e. signal });
renderArticlePage( articleContent);
Note that the handler
function can return a promise to represent the asynchronous progress, and success or failure, of the navigation. While the promise is still pending, browser UI can treat the navigation as ongoing (e.g., by presenting a loading spinner). Other parts of the navigation API are also sensitive to these promises, such as the return value of navigation.navigate()
const { committed, finished } = await navigation. navigate( "/articles/the-navigation-api-is-cool" );
// The committed promise will fulfill once the URL has changed, which happens
// immediately (as long as the NavigateEvent wasn't canceled).
await committed;
// The finished promise will fulfill once the Promise returned by handler() has
// fulfilled, which happens once the article is downloaded and rendered. (Or,
// it will reject, if handler() fails along the way).
await finished;
interfaceThe following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) supported,
as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the
Event handler | Event handler event type |
| navigate
| navigatesuccess
| navigateerror
| currententrychange
A key type used throughout the navigation API is the NavigationType
This captures the main web developer-visible types of "navigations", which (as noted elsewhere) do not exactly correspond to this standard's singular navigate algorithm. The meaning of each value is the following:
", or to
", or
to history.replaceState()
The URL of this navigation history entry.
This can return null if the entry corresponds to a different Document
than the
current one (i.e., if sameDocument
is false), and that Document
was fetched with a referrer policy of
" or "origin
", since that indicates
the Document
in question is hiding its URL even from other same-origin pages.
A user agent-generated random UUID string representing this navigation history entry's place
in the navigation history list. This value will be reused by other
instances that replace this one due to "replace
" navigations, and will survive reloads and
session restores.
This is useful for navigating back to this entry in the navigation history list, using navigation.traverseTo(key)
A user agent-generated random UUID string representing this specific navigation history
entry. This value will not be reused by other NavigationHistoryEntry
instances. This value will survive reloads and session restores.
This is useful for associating data with this navigation history entry using other storage APIs.
The index of this NavigationHistoryEntry
within navigation.entries()
, or −1 if the entry is not in
the navigation history entry list.
Indicates whether or not this navigation history entry is for the same
as the current one, or not. This will be true, for example, when the entry
represents a fragment navigation or single-page app navigation.
()Returns the deserialization of the state stored
in this entry, which was added to the entry using navigation.navigate()
or navigation.updateCurrentEntry()
. This state
survives reloads and session restores.
Note that in general, unless the state value is a primitive, entry.getState() !== entry.getState()
, since a fresh deserialization is
returned each time.
This state is unrelated to the classic history API's history.state
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) supported,
as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the
Event handler | Event handler event type |
| dispose
entries = navigation.
Returns an array of NavigationHistoryEntry
instances represent the current
navigation history entry list, i.e., all session history
entries for this navigable that are same origin and contiguous
to the current session history entry.
Returns the NavigationHistoryEntry
corresponding to the current session history entry.
navigation. ({ state })
Updates the navigation API state of the current session history entry, without performing a
navigation like navigation.reload()
would do.
This method is best used to capture updates to the page that have already happened, and need
to be reflected into the navigation API state. For cases where the state update is meant to
drive a page update, instead use navigation.navigate()
or navigation.reload()
, which will trigger a navigate
Returns true if the current current session
history entry (i.e., currentEntry
) is
not the first one in the navigation history entry list (i.e., in entries()
). This means that there is a previous
session history entry for this navigable, and its document state's origin is same origin with the current
's origin.
Returns true if the current current session
history entry (i.e., currentEntry
) is
not the last one in the navigation history entry list (i.e., in entries()
). This means that there is a next session
history entry for this navigable, and its document state's origin is same origin with the current
's origin.
{ committed, finished } = navigation. (url)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.navigate(url, options)
Navigates the current page to the given url. options can contain the following values:
can be set to
" to replace the current
session history entry, instead of pushing a new one.
can be set to any value; it
will populate the info
property of the
corresponding NavigateEvent
can be set to any
serializable value; it will populate the state
retrieved by navigation.currentEntry.getState()
once the
navigation completes, for same-document navigations. (It will be ignored for navigations that
end up cross-document.)
By default this will perform a full navigation (i.e., a cross-document navigation, unless the
given URL differs only in a fragment from the current
one). The navigateEvent.intercept()
method can
be used to convert it into a same-document navigation.
The returned promises will behave as follows:
For navigations that get aborted, both promises will reject with an
" DOMException
For same-document navigations created by using the navigateEvent.intercept()
method, committed
will fulfill immediately, and finished
will fulfill or reject according to any
promsies returned by handlers passed to intercept()
For other same-document navigations (e.g., non-intercepted fragment navigations), both promises will fulfill immediately.
For cross-document navigations, or navigations that result in 204 or 205 statuses or `Content-Disposition: attachment
` header fields from
the server (and thus do not actually navigate), both promises will never settle.
In all cases, when the returned promises fulfill, it will be with the
that was navigated to.
{ committed, finished } = navigation. (options)
Reloads the current page. options can contain info
and state
, which behave as described above.
The default behavior of performing a from-network-or-cache reload of the current page can be
overriden by the using the navigateEvent.intercept()
method. Doing so will mean
this call only updates state or passes along the appropriate info
, plus performing whater actions the navigate
event handlers see fit to carry out.
The returned promises will behave as follows:
If the reload is intercepted by using the navigateEvent.intercept()
method, committed
will fulfill immediately, and finished
will fulfill or reject according to any
promsies returned by handlers passed to intercept()
Otherwise, both promises will never settle.
{ committed, finished } = navigation. (key)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.traverseTo(key, { info })
Traverses to the closest session
history entry that matches the NavigationHistoryEntry
with the given
key. info
can be set to any value;
it will populate the info
property of the
corresponding NavigateEvent
If a traversal to that session history entry is already in progress, then this
will return the promises for that original traversal, and info
will be ignored.
The returned promises will behave as follows:
If there is no NavigationHistoryEntry
in navigation.entries()
whose key
matches key, both promises will
reject with an "InvalidStateError
For same-document traversals intercepted by the navigateEvent.intercept()
method, committed
will fulfill as soon as the traversal
is processed and navigation.currentEntry
updated, and finished
will fulfill or
reject according to any promsies returned by the handlers passed to intercept()
For non-intercepted same-document travesals, both promises will fulfill as soon as the
traversal is processed and navigation.currentEntry
is updated.
For cross-document traversals, including attempted cross-document traversals that end up
resulting in a 204 or 205 statuses or `Content-Disposition: attachment
` header fields from
the server (and thus do not actually traverse), both promises will never settle.
{ committed, finished } = navigation. (key)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.back(key, { info })
Traverses to the closest previous session history entry which results in this
navigable traversing, i.e., which corresponds to a different
and thus will cause navigation.currentEntry
to change. info
can be set to any value; it will populate the
property of the corresponding
If a traversal to that session history entry is already in progress, then this
will return the promises for that original traversal, and info
will be ignored.
The returned promises behave equivalently to those returned by traverseTo()
{ committed, finished } = navigation. (key)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.forward(key, { info })
Traverses to the closest forward session history entry which results in this
navigable traversing, i.e., which corresponds to a different
and thus will cause navigation.currentEntry
to change. info
can be set to any value; it will populate the
property of the corresponding
If a traversal to that session history entry is already in progress, then this
will return the promises for that original traversal, and info
will be ignored.
The returned promises behave equivalently to those returned by traverseTo()
A NavigationTransition
representing any ongoing navigation that hasn't yet
reached the navigatesuccess
or navigateerror
stage, if one exists; or null, if there is no
such transition ongoing.
Since navigation.currentEntry
(and other
properties like location.href
) are updated immediately
upon navigation, this navigation.transition
property is useful for determining when such navigations are not yet fully settled, according to
any handlers passed to navigateEvent.intercept()
One of "push
", "replace
", "reload
", or "traverse
", indicating what type of navigation this
transition is for.
The NavigationHistoryEntry
from which the transition is coming. This can be
useful to compare against navigation.currentEntry
A promise which fulfills at the same time as the navigatesuccess
fires, or rejects at the same time the
event fires.
A NavigationActivation
containing information about the most recent
cross-document navigation, the navigation that "activated" this Document
While navigation.currentEntry
and the
's URL can be updated regularly
due to same-document navigations, navigation.activation
stays constant, and its properties
are only updated if the Document
is reactivated from history.
A NavigationHistoryEntry
, equivalent to the value of the navigation.currentEntry
property at the moment the
was activated.
A NavigationHistoryEntry
, representing the Document
that was active
right before the current Document
. This will have a value null in case the
previous Document
was not same origin with this one or if it was the
initial about:blank
There are some cases in which either the from
or entry
would not be viable targets for the traverseTo()
method, as they might not be retained in history. For example, the Document
can be
activated using location.replace()
or its initial
entry could be replaced by history.replaceState()
. However, those entries' url
property and getState()
method are still accessible.
One of "push
", "replace
", "reload
", or "traverse
", indicating what type of navigation
activated this Document
Each Navigation
has an associated activation, which is null or a
object, initially null.
Each NavigationActivation
old entry, null or a
new entry, null or a
navigation type, a
The activation
getter steps are to return
this's activation.
The from
getter steps are to return
this's old entry.
The entry
getter steps are to return
this's new entry.
The navigationType
getter steps are to
return this's navigation type.
eventA major feature of the navigation API is the navigate
event. This event is fired on any navigation (in the broad sense of
the word), allowing web developers to monitor such outgoing navigations. In many cases, the
event is cancelable
, which allows preventing the
navigation from happening. And in others, the navigation can be intercepted and replaced with a
same-document navigation by using the intercept()
method of the NavigateEvent
One of "push
", "replace
", "reload
", or "traverse
", indicating what type of navigation this
A NavigationDestination
representing the destination of the
True if intercept()
can be called to
intercept this navigation and convert it into a same-document navigation, replacing its usual
behavior; false otherwise.
Generally speaking, this will be true whenever the current Document
have its URL rewritten to the destination URL, except for in the case of cross-document
" navigations, where it will always
be false.
True if this navigation was due to a user clicking on an a
submitting a form
element, or using the browser UI
to navigate; false otherwise.
True for a fragment navigation; false otherwise.
An AbortSignal
which will become aborted if the navigation gets canceled, e.g.,
by the user pressing their browser's "Stop" button, or by another navigation interrupting this
The expected pattern is for developers to pass this along to any async operations, such as
, which they perform as part of handling this navigation.
The FormData
representing the submitted form entries for this navigation, if
this navigation is a "push
" or "replace
" navigation representing a POST form submission; null otherwise.
(Notably, this will be null even for "reload
or "traverse
" navigations that are revisiting
a session history entry that was originally created from a form submission.)
Represents whether or not this navigation was requested to be a download, by using an
or area
element's download
If a download was not requested, then this property is null.
If a download was requested, returns the filename that was supplied as the download
attribute's value. (This could be the empty
Note that a download being requested does not always mean that a download will happen: for
example, a download might be blocked by browser security policies, or end up being treated as a
" navigation for unspecified reasons.
Similarly, a navigation might end up being a download even if it was not requested to be one,
due to the destination server responding with a `Content-Disposition: attachment
` header.
Finally, note that the navigate
event will not fire at
all for downloads initiated using browser UI affordances, e.g., those created by right-clicking
and choosing to save the target of a link.
An arbitrary JavaScript value passed via one of the navigation API methods which initiated this navigation, or undefined if the navigation was initiated by the user or by a different API.
Returns true if the user agent performed a visual transition for this navigation before dispatching this event. If true, the best user experience will be given if the author synchronously updates the DOM to the post-navigation state.
Returns the Element
responsible for this navigation. This can be an
or area
element, a submit button, or a submitted form
({ , , })Intercepts this navigation, preventing its normal handling and instead converting it into a same-document navigation of the same type to the destination URL.
The handler
option can be a
function that returns a promise. The handler function will run after the navigate
event has finished firing, and the navigation.currentEntry
property has been
synchronously updated. This returned promise is used to signal the duration, and success or
failure, of the navigation. After it settles, the browser signals to the user (e.g., via a
loading spinner UI, or assistive technology) that the navigation is finished. Additionally, it
fires navigatesuccess
or navigateerror
events as appropriate, which other parts of
the web application can respond to.
By default, using this method will cause focus to reset when any handlers' returned promises
settle. Focus will be reset to the first element with the autofocus
attribute set, or the body element if
the attribute isn't present. The focusReset
option can be set to "manual
" to avoid this behavior.
By default, using this method will delay the browser's scroll restoration logic for "traverse
" or "reload
" navigations, or its
scroll-reset/scroll-to-a-fragment logic for "push
or "replace
" navigations, until any handlers'
returned promises settle. The scroll
option can be set to "manual
" to turn
off any browser-driven scroll behavior entirely for this navigation, or scroll()
can be called before the promise settles to
trigger this behavior early.
This method will throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
if canIntercept
is false, or if isTrusted
is false. It will throw an
" DOMException
if not called
synchronously, during event dispatch.
()For "traverse
" or "reload
" navigations, restores the scroll position
using the browser's usual scroll restoration logic.
For "push
" or "replace
" navigations, either resets the scroll
position to the top of the document or scrolls to the fragment specified by destination.url
if there is one.
If called more than once, or called after automatic post-transition scroll processing has
happened due to the scroll
being left as "after-transition
", or called
before the navigation has committed, this method will throw an
" DOMException
The URL being navigated to.
The value of the key
property of the
destination NavigationHistoryEntry
, if this is a "traverse
" navigation, or the empty string otherwise.
The value of the id
property of the
destination NavigationHistoryEntry
, if this is a "traverse
" navigation, or the empty string otherwise.
The value of the index
property of
the destination NavigationHistoryEntry
, if this is a "traverse
" navigation, or −1 otherwise.
Indicates whether or not this navigation is to the same Document
as the current
one, or not. This will be true, for example, in the case of fragment navigations or history.pushState()
Note that this property indicates the original nature of the navigation. If a cross-document
navigation is converted into a same-document navigation using navigateEvent.intercept()
, that will not change the
value of this property.
For "traverse
" navigations, returns the
deserialization of the state stored in the
destination session history entry.
For "push
" or "replace
" navigations, returns the deserialization of the state passed to navigation.navigate()
, if the navigation was initiated
by that method, or undefined it if it wasn't.
For "reload
" navigations, returns the deserialization of the state passed to navigation.reload()
, if the reload was initiated by that
method, or undefined it if it wasn't.
The NavigateEvent
interface has its own
dedicated section, due to its complexity.
Returns the type of navigation which caused the current entry to change, or null if the
change is due to navigation.updateCurrentEntry()
Returns the previous value of navigation.currentEntry
, before the current entry
If navigationType
is null or "reload
", then this value will be the
same as navigation.currentEntry
. In that case,
the event signifies that the contents of the entry changed, even if we did not move to a new
entry or replace the current one.
interfaceSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Returns a copy of the information that was provided to pushState()
or replaceState()
Returns true if the user agent performed a visual transition for this navigation before dispatching this event. If true, the best user experience will be given if the author synchronously updates the DOM to the post-navigation state.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Returns the URL of the session history entry that was previously current.
Returns the URL of the session history entry that is now current.
A NavigationActivation
object representing the destination and type of the
cross-document navigation. This would be null for cross-origin navigations.
A NavigationHistoryEntry
, representing the Document
that is
about to become active.
A NavigationHistoryEntry
, equivalent to the value of the navigation.currentEntry
property at the moment the
event is fired.
One of "push
", "replace
", "reload
", or "traverse
", indicating what type of navigation
that is about to result in a page swap.
Returns the ViewTransition
object that represents an outbound cross-document view
transition, if such transition is active when the event is fired. Otherwise, returns null.
Returns the ViewTransition
object that represents an inbound cross-document view
transition, if such transition is active when the event is fired. Otherwise, returns null.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
For the pageshow
event, returns false if the page is
newly being loaded (and the load
event will fire). Otherwise,
returns true.
For the pagehide
event, returns false if the page is
going away for the last time. Otherwise, returns true, meaning that the page might be reused if
the user navigates back to this page (if the Document
's salvageable state stays true).
Things that can cause the page to be unsalvageable include:
The user agent decided to not keep the Document
alive in a session
history entry after unload
Having iframe
s that are not salvageable
Active WebSocket
interfaceSupport in all current engines.
There are no BeforeUnloadEvent
-specific initialization methods.
The BeforeUnloadEvent
interface is a legacy interface which allows checking
if unloading is canceled to be controlled not only by canceling the event, but by setting
the returnValue
attribute to a value
besides the empty string. Authors should use the preventDefault()
method, or other means of canceling
events, instead of using returnValue
Returns a string that explains the reason that prevented the document from being served from back/forward cache. See the definition of bfcache blocking details for the possible string values.
Returns the src
attribute of the document's node
navigable's container if it is an iframe
element. This can be null if not set or if it is not an iframe
Returns the id
attribute of the document's node
navigable's container if it is an iframe
element. This can be null if not set or if it is not an iframe
Returns the name
attribute of the document's
node navigable's container if it is an
element. This can be null if not set or if it is not an iframe
Returns the document's URL, or null if the
document is in a cross-origin iframe
. This is reported in addition to src
because it is possible iframe
navigated since the original src
was set.
Returns an array of NotRestoredReasonDetails
for the document. This is null
if the document is in a cross-origin iframe
Returns an array of NotRestoredReasons
that are for the document’s
children. This is null if the document is in a cross-origin iframe
A NotRestoredReasonDetails
object has a backing struct, a not restored reason details or null, initially null.
The reason
getter steps are to return
this's backing struct's reason.
To create a NotRestoredReasonDetails
object given a not restored reason details backingStruct and a
realm realm:
Let notRestoredReasonDetails be a new NotRestoredReasonDetails
object created in realm.
Set notRestoredReasonDetails's backing struct to backingStruct.
Return notRestoredReasonDetails.
A not restored reason details is a struct with the following items:
reason, a string, initially empty.
The reason is a string that represents the reason that prevented the page from being restored from back/forward cache. The string is one of the following:
was still ongoing and was canceled, so the page was not in a state that
could be stored in the back/forward cache.navigation-failure
errored, so storing the
resulting error document in the back/forward cache was
never finished its initial HTML parsing, so storing the unfinished
document in the back/forward cache was prevented.websocket
connection was shut down, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in the back/forward cache. [WEBSOCKETS]lock
has children that are in a cross-origin iframe
, and
they prevented back/forward cache; or this Document
could not be back/forward cached for user agent-specific reasons, and
the user agent has chosen not to use one of the more specific reasons from the list of user-agent specific blocking reasons.
In addition to the list above, a user agent might choose to expose a reason that prevented the page from being restored from back/forward cache for user-agent specific blocking reasons. These are one of the following strings:
requested audio capture permission by using Media Capture and
Streams's getUserMedia()
with audio. [MEDIASTREAM]background-work
requested background work by calling SyncManager
's register()
method, or
's fetch()
connection on the page received a message and message
event was fired.idbversionchangeevent
had a pending IDBVersionChangeEvent
while unloading. [INDEXEDDB]idledetector
had an active IdleDetector
while unloading.keyboardlock
's lock()
method was
was in the live state upon unloading. [MEDIASTREAM]midi
requested a MIDI permission by calling navigator.requestMIDIAccess()
was not in a state that could be stored in back/forward cache.navigation-canceled
and the page was not in a state to be stored in back/forward cache.non-trivial-browsing-context-group
had more than one
top-level browsing context.otpcredential
created an OTPCredential
outstanding network requests and was not in a state that could be stored in back/forward cache.paymentrequest
had an active PaymentRequest
while unloading. [PAYMENTREQUEST]pictureinpicturewindow
had an active PictureInPictureWindow
while unloading. [PICTUREINPICTURE]plugins
contained plugins.request-method-not-get
was created from an HTTP request whose method was not `GET
was created from an HTTP response that required HTTP
was created from an HTTP response whose `Cache-Control
` header included the "no-store
" token. [HTTP]response-cache-control-no-cache
was created from an HTTP response whose `Cache-Control
` header included the "no-cache
" token. [HTTP]response-keep-alive
was created from an HTTP response that contained a `Keep-Alive
` header.response-scheme-not-http-or-https
was created from a response whose URL's scheme was
not an HTTP(S) scheme. [FETCH]response-status-not-ok
was created from an HTTP response whose status was not an ok status.
was shut down, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in
the back/forward cache. [WEBRTC]sensors
requested sensor
's service worker client started to be
controlled by a ServiceWorker
while the page was
in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-claimed
's service worker client's active service worker was claimed while
the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-postmessage
's service worker client's active service worker received a
message while the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-version-activated
's service worker client's active service worker's version was
activated while the page was in back/forward cache.
's service worker client's active service worker's service
worker registration was unregistered while
the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]sharedworker
was in the owner set of a
had an active SmartCardConnection
while unloading.speechrecognition
had an active SpeechRecognition
while unloading.storageaccess
requested storage access permission by using the Storage Access
registered an event listener for the unload
requested video capture permission by using Media Capture and
Streams's getUserMedia()
with video. [MEDIASTREAM]webhid
called the WebHID API's requestDevice()
used the Web Share API's navigator.share()
connection was shut down, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in the back/forward cache. [WEBTRANSPORT]webxrdevice
created a XRSystem
.A NotRestoredReasons
object has a backing struct,
a not restored reasons or null, initially null.
A NotRestoredReasons
object has a reasons array, a
or null,
initially null.NotRestoredReasonDetails
A NotRestoredReasons
object has a children array, a
or null, initially
The src
getter steps are to return
this's backing struct's src.
The id
getter steps are to return
this's backing struct's id.
The name
getter steps are to return
this's backing struct's name.
The url
getter steps are:
If this's backing struct's URL is null, then return null.
Return this's backing struct's URL, serialized.
The reasons
getter steps are to return
this's reasons array.
The children
getter steps are to return
this's children array.
To create a NotRestoredReasons
object given a not restored reasons backingStruct and a
realm realm:
Let notRestoredReasons be a new NotRestoredReasons
object created
in realm.
Set notRestoredReasons's backing struct to backingStruct.
If backingStruct's reasons is null, set notRestoredReasons's reasons array to null.
Let reasonsArray be an empty list.
For each reason of backingStruct's reasons:
Create a NotRestoredReasonDetails
object given
reason and realm, and append
it to reasonsArray.
Set notRestoredReasons's reasons array to the result of creating a frozen array given reasonsArray.
If backingStruct's children is null, set notRestoredReasons's children array to null.
Let childrenArray be an empty list.
For each child of backingStruct's children:
Create a NotRestoredReasons
object given child
and realm and append it to
Set notRestoredReasons's children array to the result of creating a frozen array given childrenArray.
Return notRestoredReasons.
A not restored reasons is a struct with the following items:
src, a scalar value string or null, initially null.
id, a string or null, initially null.
name, a string or null, initially null.
url, a URL or null, initially null.
reasons, null or a list of not restored reason details, initially null.
children, null or a list of not restored reasons, initially null.
A Document
's not restored reasons is its node navigable's
active session history entry's document state's not restored reasons, if
's node navigable is a top-level traversable;
otherwise null.