Edition for Web Developers — Last Updated 25 March 2025
elementSupport in all current engines.
element, followed by zero or more
elements, followed optionally by a thead
element, followed by
either zero or more tbody
elements or one or more tr
elements, followed
optionally by a tfoot
element, optionally intermixed with one or more
script-supporting elements.HTMLTableElement
.The table
element represents data with more than one dimension, in
the form of a table.
Tables have rows, columns, and cells given by their descendants. The rows and columns form a grid; a table's cells must completely cover that grid without overlap.
Authors are encouraged to provide information describing how to interpret complex tables. Guidance on how to provide such information is given below.
Tables must not be used as layout aids. Historically, some web authors have misused tables in HTML as a way to control their page layout. This usage is non-conforming, because tools attempting to extract tabular data from such documents would obtain very confusing results. In particular, users of accessibility tools like screen readers are likely to find it very difficult to navigate pages with tables used for layout.
There are a variety of alternatives to using HTML tables for layout, such as CSS grid layout, CSS flexible box layout ("flexbox"), CSS multi-column layout, CSS positioning, and the CSS table model. [CSS]
Authors are encouraged to consider using some of the table design techniques described below to make tables easier to navigate for users.
table.caption [ = value ]
Returns the table's caption
Can be set, to replace the caption
caption = table.createCaption()
Ensures the table has a caption
element, and returns it.
Ensures the table does not have a caption
table.tHead [ = value ]
Returns the table's thead
Can be set, to replace the thead
element. If the new value is not a
element, throws a "HierarchyRequestError
thead = table.createTHead()
Ensures the table has a thead
element, and returns it.
Ensures the table does not have a thead
table.tFoot [ = value ]
Returns the table's tfoot
Can be set, to replace the tfoot
element. If the new value is not a
element, throws a "HierarchyRequestError
tfoot = table.createTFoot()
Ensures the table has a tfoot
element, and returns it.
Ensures the table does not have a tfoot
Returns an HTMLCollection
of the tbody
elements of the
tbody = table.createTBody()
Creates a tbody
element, inserts it into the table, and returns it.
Returns an HTMLCollection
of the tr
elements of the
tr = table.insertRow([ index ])
Creates a tr
element, along with a tbody
if required, inserts them
into the table at the position given by the argument, and returns the tr
The position is relative to the rows in the table. The index −1, which is the default if the argument is omitted, is equivalent to inserting at the end of the table.
If the given position is less than −1 or greater than the number of rows, throws an
" DOMException
Removes the tr
element with the given position in the table.
The position is relative to the rows in the table. The index −1 is equivalent to deleting the last row of the table.
If the given position is less than −1 or greater than the index of the last row, or if
there are no rows, throws an "IndexSizeError
Here is an example of a table being used to mark up a Sudoku puzzle. Observe the lack of headers, which are not necessary in such a table.
< style >
# sudoku { border-collapse : collapse ; border : solid thick ; }
# sudoku colgroup , table # sudoku tbody { border : solid medium ; }
# sudoku td { border : solid thin ; height : 1.4 em ; width : 1.4 em ; text-align : center ; padding : 0 ; }
</ style >
< h1 > Today's Sudoku</ h1 >
< table id = "sudoku" >
< colgroup >< col >< col >< col >
< colgroup >< col >< col >< col >
< colgroup >< col >< col >< col >
< tbody >
< tr > < td > 1 < td > < td > 3 < td > 6 < td > < td > 4 < td > 7 < td > < td > 9
< tr > < td > < td > 2 < td > < td > < td > 9 < td > < td > < td > 1 < td >
< tr > < td > 7 < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > 6
< tbody >
< tr > < td > 2 < td > < td > 4 < td > < td > 3 < td > < td > 9 < td > < td > 8
< tr > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td >
< tr > < td > 5 < td > < td > < td > 9 < td > < td > 7 < td > < td > < td > 1
< tbody >
< tr > < td > 6 < td > < td > < td > < td > 5 < td > < td > < td > < td > 2
< tr > < td > < td > < td > < td > < td > 7 < td > < td > < td > < td >
< tr > < td > 9 < td > < td > < td > 8 < td > < td > 2 < td > < td > < td > 5
</ table >
For tables that consist of more than just a grid of cells with headers in the first row and headers in the first column, and for any table in general where the reader might have difficulty understanding the content, authors should include explanatory information introducing the table. This information is useful for all users, but is especially useful for users who cannot see the table, e.g. users of screen readers.
Such explanatory information should introduce the purpose of the table, outline its basic cell structure, highlight any trends or patterns, and generally teach the user how to use the table.
For instance, the following table:
Negative | Characteristic | Positive |
Sad | Mood | Happy |
Failing | Grade | Passing |
...might benefit from a description explaining the way the table is laid out, something like "Characteristics are given in the second column, with the negative side in the left column and the positive side in the right column".
There are a variety of ways to include this information, such as:
< p > In the following table, characteristics are given in the second
column, with the negative side in the left column and the positive
side in the right column.</ p >
< table >
< caption > Characteristics with positive and negative sides</ caption >
< thead >
< tr >
< th id = "n" > Negative
< th > Characteristic
< th > Positive
< tbody >
< tr >
< td headers = "n r1" > Sad
< th id = "r1" > Mood
< td > Happy
< tr >
< td headers = "n r2" > Failing
< th id = "r2" > Grade
< td > Passing
</ table >
< table >
< caption >
< strong > Characteristics with positive and negative sides.</ strong >
< p > Characteristics are given in the second column, with the
negative side in the left column and the positive side in the right
column.</ p >
</ caption >
< thead >
< tr >
< th id = "n" > Negative
< th > Characteristic
< th > Positive
< tbody >
< tr >
< td headers = "n r1" > Sad
< th id = "r1" > Mood
< td > Happy
< tr >
< td headers = "n r2" > Failing
< th id = "r2" > Grade
< td > Passing
</ table >
, in a details
element< table >
< caption >
< strong > Characteristics with positive and negative sides.</ strong >
< details >
< summary > Help</ summary >
< p > Characteristics are given in the second column, with the
negative side in the left column and the positive side in the right
column.</ p >
</ details >
</ caption >
< thead >
< tr >
< th id = "n" > Negative
< th > Characteristic
< th > Positive
< tbody >
< tr >
< td headers = "n r1" > Sad
< th id = "r1" > Mood
< td > Happy
< tr >
< td headers = "n r2" > Failing
< th id = "r2" > Grade
< td > Passing
</ table >
< figure >
< figcaption > Characteristics with positive and negative sides</ figcaption >
< p > Characteristics are given in the second column, with the
negative side in the left column and the positive side in the right
column.</ p >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th id = "n" > Negative
< th > Characteristic
< th > Positive
< tbody >
< tr >
< td headers = "n r1" > Sad
< th id = "r1" > Mood
< td > Happy
< tr >
< td headers = "n r2" > Failing
< th id = "r2" > Grade
< td > Passing
</ table >
</ figure >
's figcaption
< figure >
< figcaption >
< strong > Characteristics with positive and negative sides</ strong >
< p > Characteristics are given in the second column, with the
negative side in the left column and the positive side in the right
column.</ p >
</ figcaption >
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th id = "n" > Negative
< th > Characteristic
< th > Positive
< tbody >
< tr >
< td headers = "n r1" > Sad
< th id = "r1" > Mood
< td > Happy
< tr >
< td headers = "n r2" > Failing
< th id = "r2" > Grade
< td > Passing
</ table >
</ figure >
Authors may also use other techniques, or combinations of the above techniques, as appropriate.
The best option, of course, rather than writing a description explaining the way the table is laid out, is to adjust the table such that no explanation is needed.
In the case of the table used in the examples above, a simple rearrangement of the table so
that the headers are on the top and left sides removes the need for an explanation as well as
removing the need for the use of headers
< table >
< caption > Characteristics with positive and negative sides</ caption >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Characteristic
< th > Negative
< th > Positive
< tbody >
< tr >
< th > Mood
< td > Sad
< td > Happy
< tr >
< th > Grade
< td > Failing
< td > Passing
</ table >
Good table design is key to making tables more readable and usable.
In visual media, providing column and row borders and alternating row backgrounds can be very effective to make complicated tables more readable.
For tables with large volumes of numeric content, using monospaced fonts can help users see patterns, especially in situations where a user agent does not render the borders. (Unfortunately, for historical reasons, not rendering borders on tables is a common default.)
In speech media, table cells can be distinguished by reporting the corresponding headers before reading the cell's contents, and by allowing users to navigate the table in a grid fashion, rather than serializing the entire contents of the table in source order.
Authors are encouraged to use CSS to achieve these effects.
elementSupport in all current engines.
element's end tag can be omitted if
the caption
element is not immediately followed by ASCII whitespace or a
.The caption
element represents the title of the table
that is its parent, if it has a parent and that is a table
When a table
element is the only content in a figure
element other
than the figcaption
, the caption
element should be omitted in favor of
the figcaption
A caption can introduce context for a table, making it significantly easier to understand.
Consider, for instance, the following table:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
In the abstract, this table is not clear. However, with a caption giving the table's number (for reference in the main prose) and explaining its use, it makes more sense:
< caption >
< p > Table 1.
< p > This table shows the total score obtained from rolling two
six-sided dice. The first row represents the value of the first die,
the first column the value of the second die. The total is given in
the cell that corresponds to the values of the two dice.
</ caption >
This provides the user with more context:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
elementSupport in all current engines.
element, after any
elements and before any thead
, tfoot
, and tr
attribute is present: Nothing.span
attribute is absent: Zero or more col
and template
element's start tag can be
omitted if the first thing inside the colgroup
element is a col
and if the element is not immediately preceded by another colgroup
element whose
end tag has been omitted. (It can't be omitted if the element
is empty.)colgroup
element's end tag can be omitted
if the colgroup
element is not immediately followed by ASCII whitespace
or a comment.span
— Number of columns spanned by the element
.The colgroup
element represents a group of one or more columns in the table
that is its parent, if it has a
parent and that is a table
If the colgroup
element contains no col
elements, then the element
may have a span
content attribute specified, whose value must be a valid non-negative integer greater
than zero and less than or equal to 1000.
elementSupport in all current engines.
element that doesn't have
a span
— Number of columns spanned by the element
, as defined for colgroup
elements.If a col
element has a parent and that is a colgroup
element that
itself has a parent that is a table
element, then the col
represents one or more columns in the column group represented by that colgroup
The element may have a span
content attribute specified, whose value must be a
valid non-negative integer greater than zero and less than or equal to 1000.
elementSupport in all current engines.
element, after any
, colgroup
, and
elements, but only if there are no
elements that are children of the
and script-supporting elements.tbody
element's start tag can be omitted
if the first thing inside the tbody
element is a tr
element, and if the
element is not immediately preceded by a tbody
, thead
, or
element whose end tag has been omitted. (It
can't be omitted if the element is empty.)tbody
element's end tag can be omitted if
the tbody
element is immediately followed by a tbody
element, or if there is no more content in the parent element.Uses HTMLTableSectionElement
. The
interface is also used for thead
The tbody
element represents a block of rows that consist of a
body of data for the parent table
element, if the tbody
element has a
parent and it is a table
Returns an HTMLCollection
of the tr
elements of the table
tr = tbody.insertRow([ index ])
Creates a tr
element, inserts it into the table section at the position given by
the argument, and returns the tr
The position is relative to the rows in the table section. The index −1, which is the default if the argument is omitted, is equivalent to inserting at the end of the table section.
If the given position is less than −1 or greater than the number of rows, throws an
" DOMException
Removes the tr
element with the given position in the table section.
The position is relative to the rows in the table section. The index −1 is equivalent to deleting the last row of the table section.
If the given position is less than −1 or greater than the index of the last row, or if
there are no rows, throws an "IndexSizeError
elementSupport in all current engines.
element, after any
, and colgroup
elements and before any tbody
, tfoot
, and
elements, but only if there are no other
elements that are children of the
and script-supporting elements.thead
element's end tag can be omitted if
the thead
element is immediately followed by a tbody
, as defined for tbody
elements.The thead
element represents the block of rows that consist of
the column labels (headers) and any ancillary non-header cells for the parent table
element, if the thead
element has a parent and it is a table
This example shows a thead
element being used. Notice the use of both
and td
elements in the thead
element: the first row is
the headers, and the second row is an explanation of how to fill in the table.
< table >
< caption > School auction sign-up sheet </ caption >
< thead >
< tr >
< th >< label for = e1 > Name</ label >
< th >< label for = e2 > Product</ label >
< th >< label for = e3 > Picture</ label >
< th >< label for = e4 > Price</ label >
< tr >
< td > Your name here
< td > What are you selling?
< td > Link to a picture
< td > Your reserve price
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > Ms Danus
< td > Doughnuts
< td >< img src = "https://example.com/mydoughnuts.png" title = "Doughnuts from Ms Danus" >
< td > $45
< tr >
< td >< input id = e1 type = text name = who required form = f >
< td >< input id = e2 type = text name = what required form = f >
< td >< input id = e3 type = url name = pic form = f >
< td >< input id = e4 type = number step = 0.01 min = 0 value = 0 required form = f >
</ table >
< form id = f action = "/auction.cgi" >
< input type = button name = add value = "Submit" >
</ form >
elementSupport in all current engines.
element, after any
, colgroup
, thead
, and tr
elements, but only if there
are no other tfoot
elements that are children of the
and script-supporting elements.tfoot
element's end tag can be omitted if
there is no more content in the parent element.HTMLTableSectionElement
, as defined for tbody
elements.The tfoot
element represents the block of rows that consist of
the column summaries (footers) for the parent table
element, if the
element has a parent and it is a table
elementSupport in all current engines.
element, after any
, colgroup
, and thead
elements, but only if there are no tbody
elements that
are children of the table
, th
, and script-supporting elements.tr
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by another tr
element, or if there is
no more content in the parent element.HTMLTableRowElement
.The tr
element represents a row of
cells in a table.
Returns the position of the row in the table's rows
Returns −1 if the element isn't in a table.
Returns the position of the row in the table section's rows
Returns −1 if the element isn't in a table section.
Returns an HTMLCollection
of the td
and th
elements of
the row.
cell = tr.insertCell([ index ])
Creates a td
element, inserts it into the table row at the position given by the
argument, and returns the td
The position is relative to the cells in the row. The index −1, which is the default if the argument is omitted, is equivalent to inserting at the end of the row.
If the given position is less than −1 or greater than the number of cells, throws an
" DOMException
Removes the td
or th
element with the given position in the
The position is relative to the cells in the row. The index −1 is equivalent to deleting the last cell of the row.
If the given position is less than −1 or greater than the index of the last cell, or
if there are no cells, throws an "IndexSizeError
elementSupport in all current engines.
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by a td
or th
or if there is no more content in the parent element.colspan
— Number of columns that the cell is to span
— Number of rows that the cell is to span
— The header cells for this cell
Uses HTMLTableCellElement
. The
interface is also used for th
The td
element represents a data cell in a table.
In this example, we see a snippet of a web application consisting of a grid of editable cells
(essentially a simple spreadsheet). One of the cells has been configured to show the sum of the
cells above it. Three have been marked as headings, which use th
elements instead of
elements. A script would attach event handlers to these elements to maintain the
< table >
< tr >
< th >< input value = "Name" >
< th >< input value = "Paid ($)" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Jeff" >
< td >< input value = "14" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Britta" >
< td >< input value = "9" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Abed" >
< td >< input value = "25" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Shirley" >
< td >< input value = "2" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Annie" >
< td >< input value = "5" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Troy" >
< td >< input value = "5" >
< tr >
< td >< input value = "Pierce" >
< td >< input value = "1000" >
< tr >
< th >< input value = "Total" >
< td >< output value = "1060" >
</ table >
elementSupport in all current engines.
, footer
sectioning content, or heading content descendants.th
element's end tag can be omitted if the
element is immediately followed by a td
or th
or if there is no more content in the parent element.colspan
— Number of columns that the cell is to span
— Number of rows that the cell is to span
— The header cells for this cell
— Specifies which cells the header cell applies to
— Alternative label to use for the header cell when referencing the cell in other contexts
, as defined for td
elements.The th
element represents a header cell in a table.
The th
element may have a scope
content attribute specified.
The scope
attribute is an enumerated attribute
with the following keywords and states:
Keyword | State | Brief description |
| row | The header cell applies to some of the subsequent cells in the same row(s). |
| column | The header cell applies to some of the subsequent cells in the same column(s). |
| row group | The header cell applies to all the remaining cells in the row group. |
| column group | The header cell applies to all the remaining cells in the column group. |
The attribute's missing value default and invalid value default are both the auto state. (In this state the header cell applies to a set of cells selected based on context.)
A th
element's scope
attribute must not be in
the row group state if the element is not anchored in
a row group, nor in the column group state if the element is not anchored in a
column group.
The th
element may have an abbr
content attribute specified. Its value must be an
alternative label for the header cell, to be used when referencing the cell in other contexts
(e.g. when describing the header cells that apply to a data cell). It is typically an abbreviated
form of the full header cell, but can also be an expansion, or merely a different phrasing.
The following example shows how the scope
attribute's rowgroup
value affects which data cells a header cell
applies to.
Here is a markup fragment showing a table:
< table >
< thead >
< tr > < th > ID < th > Measurement < th > Average < th > Maximum
< tbody >
< tr > < td > < th scope = rowgroup > Cats < td > < td >
< tr > < td > 93 < th > Legs < td > 3.5 < td > 4
< tr > < td > 10 < th > Tails < td > 1 < td > 1
< tbody >
< tr > < td > < th scope = rowgroup > English speakers < td > < td >
< tr > < td > 32 < th > Legs < td > 2.67 < td > 4
< tr > < td > 35 < th > Tails < td > 0.33 < td > 1
</ table >
This would result in the following table:
ID | Measurement | Average | Maximum |
Cats | |||
93 | Legs | 3.5 | 4 |
10 | Tails | 1 | 1 |
English speakers | |||
32 | Legs | 2.67 | 4 |
35 | Tails | 0.33 | 1 |
The headers in the first row all apply directly down to the rows in their column.
The headers with a scope
attribute in the rowgroup state apply to all the cells in their row
group other than the cells in the first column.
The remaining headers apply just to the cells to the right of them.
and th
elementsThe td
and th
elements may have a colspan
content attribute specified, whose value must be a
valid non-negative integer greater than zero and less than or equal to 1000.
The td
and th
elements may also have a rowspan
content attribute specified,
whose value must be a valid non-negative integer less than or equal to 65534. For
this attribute, the value zero means that the cell is to span all the remaining rows in the row
These attributes give the number of columns and rows respectively that the cell is to span. These attributes must not be used to overlap cells.
The td
and th
element may have a headers
content attribute specified. The headers
attribute, if specified, must contain a string
consisting of an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens, none of which are
identical to another token and each of which must have the value of an ID of a th
element taking part in the same table as the td
or th
A th
element with ID id is
said to be directly targeted by all td
and th
elements in the
same table that have headers
attributes whose values include as one of their tokens
the ID id. A th
element A is said to be targeted by a th
or td
B if either A is directly targeted by B or if there exists an element C that is itself
targeted by the element B and A is directly
targeted by C.
A th
element must not be targeted by itself.
Returns the position of the cell in the row's cells
This does not necessarily correspond to the x-position of the cell in the table,
since earlier cells might cover multiple rows or columns.
Returns −1 if the element isn't in a row.
The following shows how one might mark up the bottom part of table 45 of the Smithsonian physical tables, Volume 71:
< table >
< caption > Specification values: < b > Steel</ b > , < b > Castings</ b > ,
Ann. A.S.T.M. A27-16, Class B;* P max. 0.06; S max. 0.05.</ caption >
< thead >
< tr >
< th rowspan = 2 > Grade.</ th >
< th rowspan = 2 > Yield Point.</ th >
< th colspan = 2 > Ultimate tensile strength</ th >
< th rowspan = 2 > Per cent elong. 50.8 mm or 2 in.</ th >
< th rowspan = 2 > Per cent reduct. area.</ th >
</ tr >
< tr >
< th > kg/mm< sup > 2</ sup ></ th >
< th > lb/in< sup > 2</ sup ></ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< tr >
< td > Hard</ td >
< td > 0.45 ultimate</ td >
< td > 56.2</ td >
< td > 80,000</ td >
< td > 15</ td >
< td > 20</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Medium</ td >
< td > 0.45 ultimate</ td >
< td > 49.2</ td >
< td > 70,000</ td >
< td > 18</ td >
< td > 25</ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > Soft</ td >
< td > 0.45 ultimate</ td >
< td > 42.2</ td >
< td > 60,000</ td >
< td > 22</ td >
< td > 30</ td >
</ tr >
</ tbody >
</ table >
This table could look like this:
Grade. | Yield Point. | Ultimate tensile strength | Per cent elong. 50.8 mm or 2 in. | Per cent reduct. area. | |
kg/mm2 | lb/in2 | ||||
Hard | 0.45 ultimate | 56.2 | 80,000 | 15 | 20 |
Medium | 0.45 ultimate | 49.2 | 70,000 | 18 | 25 |
Soft | 0.45 ultimate | 42.2 | 60,000 | 22 | 30 |
The following shows how one might mark up the gross margin table on page 46 of Apple, Inc's 10-K filing for fiscal year 2008:
< table >
< thead >
< tr >
< th >
< th > 2008
< th > 2007
< th > 2006
< tbody >
< tr >
< th > Net sales
< td > $ 32,479
< td > $ 24,006
< td > $ 19,315
< tr >
< th > Cost of sales
< td > 21,334
< td > 15,852
< td > 13,717
< tbody >
< tr >
< th > Gross margin
< td > $ 11,145
< td > $ 8,154
< td > $ 5,598
< tfoot >
< tr >
< th > Gross margin percentage
< td > 34.3%
< td > 34.0%
< td > 29.0%
</ table >
This table could look like this:
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | |
Net sales | $ 32,479 | $ 24,006 | $ 19,315 |
Cost of sales | 21,334 | 15,852 | 13,717 |
Gross margin | $ 11,145 | $ 8,154 | $ 5,598 |
Gross margin percentage | 34.3% | 34.0% | 29.0% |
The following shows how one might mark up the operating expenses table from lower on the same page of that document:
< table >
< colgroup > < col >
< colgroup > < col > < col > < col >
< thead >
< tr > < th > < th > 2008 < th > 2007 < th > 2006
< tbody >
< tr > < th scope = rowgroup > Research and development
< td > $ 1,109 < td > $ 782 < td > $ 712
< tr > < th scope = row > Percentage of net sales
< td > 3.4% < td > 3.3% < td > 3.7%
< tbody >
< tr > < th scope = rowgroup > Selling, general, and administrative
< td > $ 3,761 < td > $ 2,963 < td > $ 2,433
< tr > < th scope = row > Percentage of net sales
< td > 11.6% < td > 12.3% < td > 12.6%
</ table >
This table could look like this:
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | |
Research and development | $ 1,109 | $ 782 | $ 712 |
Percentage of net sales | 3.4% | 3.3% | 3.7% |
Selling, general, and administrative | $ 3,761 | $ 2,963 | $ 2,433 |
Percentage of net sales | 11.6% | 12.3% | 12.6% |